Sunday, April 27, 2008


Nicholas and I drove up the hill to see what Dad has been keeping busy with lately. But, when we arrived, all we saw at first was the END of a what had been an ENORMOUS burn pile (estimated starting size outlined).

Of course, when you have something that big burning, a simple shovel just doesn't cut it. NOPE! . . . for this type of job . . . you bring out the BIG SHOVEL.
(And, no, John didn't drive it. He hired a professional--WHEW!)

We found John and his friend, Jason, down the hill. They were busy cutting up another tree that they had brought down.

Nicholas didn't like the noise the chainsaw made. So, he decided that if he climbed up the steps to the tree house, it would be quieter. I asked him if it was. He said "No. But, I can see Uncle Pat" (who was working further down the hill).

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