Saturday, April 12, 2008

Heat Wave

Do you believe this???

If you look back about 2 weeks ago, I was posting about a Saturday filled with sun, rain, hail, and SNOW!

I'm NOT complaining. I love the warm weather. I'm tired of being cold. I just wasn't ready for it ALL at once. But, I did make the most of it. I washed and scrubbed the patio furniture. I fertilized my apple trees, which we recently transplanted.

Don't they look nice?

Then, we spred out the picnic blanket and enjoyed a nice picnic dinner on the back deck tonight.

Would you believe me if I told you we could POSSIBLY see some snowflakes NEXT Saturday???

1 comment:

Casey said...

The weather is INSANE!!! But I sure loved the summer like day we had. What a nice preview of days to come.