Sunday, October 21, 2007

Big Shoes to Fill

I've heard it said that little boys want to grow up to be just like their dads. Nicholas is no exception. He wants to do everything that Daddy does . . . sit in Daddy's chair, drive Daddy's truck (not to worry, it's in PARK, in the driveway, and there are NO keys involved!) . . . and the other day, we added :


He was very determined to not only wear Daddy's shoes, but also to walk in them.


Casey said...

He is so cute! Kelton used to do that all the time with Dakota's shoes - I hadn't realized until now that he doesn't do it anymore. :( Kaylen never has but then - she is my "No shoes please" girl so I guess that makes sense.

Brenda said...

Sadly he'll be fitting into them before you know it. :o(

So sweet.

Julie said...

Isn't it cute when they do that? Connor used to like to wear mine, especially the ones that made noise on the tile.