Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Sock it to Me!

While the rains have disappeared for a few days, the fog has found a way to block my beautiful morning sunshine. I noticed that the trees were really socked in the fog, as I started drinking my coffee. But, as I slowly sipped my coffee and drank in the peacefulness of the morning, I couldn't help feeling that something was amiss . . .

What could it it be ???

It wasn't just the trees that were getting "socked" in this morning.

(Nick has a habit of pulling his socks off at the table--we're trying very hard to break him of it. Usually, he wads his socks up next to him, or he scrunches them into a pile on the corner of the table.)

he went with the FORMAL placement!


Brenda said...

Kids and socks... :o)

My kids can't seem to keep them on their feet either!

Sheri said...

It seriously drives me nuts ... most of the time he rubs his feet together so fast to get them off, I almost expect to hear crickets "chirping" under the table! LOL

Casey said...

I gave up on socks. My kids rarely wear them and they can't get their shoes and socks off fast enough when we arrrive home.

Cute picture though - a definite keeper!

amy4 said...

Too funny! Nathan drives me batty with his socks - he is constantly running outside in them, or has one on, and the other is somewhere else in the house! I love your BLOG, thanks for sending me the link Sheri!

Melanie said...

Hee hee!! He looks very mischievous in this picture.... :)