Thursday, November 15, 2007

Bunny Boy

The boy has finally learned to JUMP!

I'm not sure if it is a result of doing "frog jumps" in his soccer class, but the truth is . . . I have a jumping, hopping, bouncing toddler around the house.

It starts when he wakes up. He holds onto the crib rail and jumps up & down to see how much AIR he can get. Then, he hops to the top of the stairs, walks down the stairs, and then hops to the kitchen.

He has also discovered that his little indoor vinyl slide gives his "bounce" that extra lift (just like his crib). So, he's taken to hopping down it.

The other day, he proudly proclaimed that he was a RABBIT . . . grabbed his ears and off he went to jump.

Don't believe me? . . . . . . . meet Bunny Boy!


Perrin said...

Any excellent skill to have. Cute pics.

Casey said...

LOL!!!! It's so fun to watch them jumping around. Kaylen has taken to "skipping" which is a move at which you can't help but laugh. Too funny!

Love the bunny ears! :) :) :)

Casey said...

PS...I've tagged you over on my blog. I didnt' link to your blog because you are private and didn't know how you would feel about that but still - I hope you will play. You can tag other MOMS Club people who have private blogs. That would be fun!!! :)

Julie said...

How cute is he?? Good job learning to jump Nick!