Monday, September 10, 2007

Where's the pantry?

For all you "inquiring minds" . . . yes, there is a third wall of shelves in the pantry, BUT my camera doesn't know how to shoot around a door, yet.

And, finally, HERE is where my pantry is living . . . maybe I should add "find the dining room" to my task list (LOL).


Perrin said...

Good for you for getting to your goals. I never seem to get to the house ones.

Brenda said...

Okay...this picture makes me happy.

In getting my house ready to go on the market I found I was creating more of mess in attempting to clean and organize! I had piles on my dining room table too. :o)

Sheri said...

Perrin: Thanks for the kudos, now let's just see if I can finish them (LOL).

Brenda: You know how I said my camera doesn't know how to shoot around a door, yet? Well, it can't see through tables either ... you should SEE the chairs, the floor, the "other side" of the table -- you'd be SOOOO happy! :-)