Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Every day after lunch, Nicholas and I head upstairs for "storytime" before he takes his nap. He picks out 3 books. Then, we sit together, rock, and read.

Nicholas is the KING of routine. Often, he picks out the SAME three books several days in a row. Today, was no exception . . . EXCEPT, Nicholas changed the order.

First, we read A Fly Went By. Then, we read Hop on Pop. But, before I could close the book. Nicholas jumped up in my lap and grabbed the last book, Go Dog. Go!, from the top of the bookshelf next to us. Then, he sat right back down with it.

I thought, "Hmmm, he must be really tired and wants to finish his books quickly so he can go to sleep."

As I reached down to help open the book, Nicholas pulled it away from me. "No Momma, I read," he said.

"Oh, do you want to help Momma read the book?" I replied.

"No Momma, I read You," as he started turning to the first page.

And with that . . . my little 2-year-old started "reading" every page of that book. He must have memorized it from hearing me read it to him. But, with over 100+ books, I was still in shock by how accurate he was with many of the words.

Suddenly, he didn't seem so little anymore. But, I loved MY storytime.


Melanie said...

Aww, that is precious! One day you'll be sitting on HIS lap. hee hee!

Brenda said...

I was going to write how sweet that was...but then I read Melanie's comment and burst out laughing. :o)