Sunday, January 27, 2008

Snow Fix

My trusty weatherman AND internet weather site have been "teasing" me with the chance for snow since Thursday. Each day, the forecast gets altered and the promise moves forward to the next day. It's like the ever-elusive chase for the end of the rainbow--only I WANT SNOW!

In general, I try not to ask for much and feel very grateful for what I have. But, all I really want is a nice snow day in my own yard, and the chance to make snowballs and snowmen with my family.
(Maybe the Snow Gods will hear me if I post it in my blog.)

That being said, tonight as we drove 10 miles up the hill to Pat & Janet's house, a few snowflakes began to fall. Pat & Janet's house is up around the 1200ft elevation. So, as we climbed the hill, more snow began to appear on the ground. And, while I didn't get to make snowballs or snowmen at dinner tonight . . . I did get a small snow fix until the snow decides to visit our house.


Unknown said...

Wow. Those are gorgeous photos. Ethereal.

Casey said...


Brenda said...

Beautiful pictures! Breathtaking!