This posting is a "wee-bit" late, but . . . you know how the saying goes (hee-hee)!
So, just to catch you up, we made it back from CA, but not as planned. We were scheduled to fly home at 6pm on Alaska. I decided to check on the flight around 1pm and discovered that it was already delayed almost 2 hours. I kept checking at the top of each hour . . . finally, they stopped changing the flight time. Our flight was delayed until 9:23pm!
So, we checked in at 7:20pm at the ticket counter, and the kiosk said, "You are too late to check in for this flight." HUH?????
The woman behind the counter asked me what flight we were checking in for. After I told her, she said, "You know that flight
has been delayed until 10:06pm now." (Was that a question or a statement?) Then, she said she could bump us onto a delayed Horizon flight that was leaving at 8:30pm. We jumped at the opportunity, but they only had 2 seats. The next thing I knew, she was overbooking the flight and said they could always find someone to take another flight.
I always wondered how flights got overbooked . . . now, I know. Since Horizon has only 2 seat per row, Nicholas and I sat together, and poor John got a seat in the very last row. But, the happy news was that we walked into our house at 11:15pm (NOTE: Our original 6pm flight finally took off at . . . 12:24am . . . and didn't arrive until 2:20am -- I should have sent the Alaska ticket agent a thank you for getting us on the earlier flight.)
In case we didn't have enough Christmas in CA,
we hosted a small post-Christmas celebration with John's family the next day. And, we went all out! Yep, we orderred pizza and buffalo wings with the best of them. I even made a trip to Safeway and got
a fruit platter and some red & green wine coolers (Berry & Margarita), just to be festive!

The kids had fun opening all their gifts.

There were paper and boxes all over!

And, Nicholas and John even found presents that Santa had left them in their stockings.
The next day (Saturday), I was completely exhausted. So, John took Nicholas up the hill to his sister's house to play in the snow. (They had about 12 inches of snow the day we flew home.) When they got back, Nicholas came in the house, but John was no where to be found . . . at last, I found him!!!
He was leaving me my final present . . . giant snowballs in the front/back yards so I could enjoy the snow, too! :-)