Sunday, October 28, 2007

Silly Me

Why is it that kids ALWAYS pick the day you need to get a ton of things done to become "little devils"???

I put Nicholas down for a nap around
2 pm. I could still hear him doing something about 30 minutes later. So, I finally decided to check to see if he might need a diaper change . . . NOPE.

What he DID need was a diaper!

Yep, there he was standing in his crib, stripped down to the buff. Stuffed animals were strewn across the floor, . . . and WHERE
were his clothes & diaper? He proudly went to the back of the crib, which is against the wall, peered over the edge, and said,
"Down there Momma."

Of course, . . . silly me!


Julie said...

Silly boy! Charlotte used to do stuff like that. I feel for you!

Melanie said...

Ha ha ha! That area where they can squish stuff down - in between the crib and the wall - I've found many-a-toy there!

Brenda said...

So cute! :o)

Perrin said...

Luckily there wasn't any creative finger painting with bodily fluids involved.