Third time WASN'T a charm!
You've heard the old saying "the third time's a charm." Well, that may be true for a lot of things, but when it comes to getting your child's haircut . . . nope, not even close!
<< This is how it ended.
Now, I know many kids fuss at getting their hair cut, but this was Nick's third official haircut, and the previous two went fairly well. Nick sat on my lap, they turned on the Disney Channel, and Nick went into zombie-mode until they were done. As long as they didn't turn on the "blower thing" to get the hair off his shoulders, he was fine.
This time . . . NOT FINE! I tried to do everything a "good momma" should do. I kept telling Nick what we were going to do that morning. I even made sure he was in a good mood. Everything seemed fine. According to the "Mom Playbook" . . . I should have scored.
The problem was . . . Nick had the "Toddler Playbook". As soon as we sat down, he was 100% monkey boy--wrapped around my neck--and crying "No Momma, No!" I felt like such a "bad momma" for making him so upset. I tried everything to calm him. I don't know how long the haircut took. It seemed like forever. But when it was all over . . . I was the one covered in hair! Yep, Nick wouldn't let them put the drape around him, so Momma took one for the team.
That's how the photo above got taken. After they finished, I took Nick over to the chairs, gave him his FIRST lollipop (yes, really), and returned to the barber's chair to have the hair blown off of me. Remember how I said Nick hates the "blower thing"? That's why his hands are over his ears! But look at those poor red cheeks :-(
. . . but not for the gel they
put in his hair (LOL) >>
Awww..that's not a fun adventure. :( I hope you got yourself something amazing at Starbucks because goodness knows you deserved it after that!
I can so relate! At Nick's age Carson wouldn't let them drape him either. He used to sit on my lap and I'd get covered in hair! The joys of motherhood! :o)
Yay Nick! I'm glad to know Evan isn't the only one who now refuses to get his hair cut. Just wait until you put him in the front yard and buzz him.... Hee hee!
We have been all over the board ont his one too....from very uncooperative to doing just fine. Seems like Dylan is fine with it now but still doesn't like the buzzer. Looks like a nice heaircut.
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