Saturday, May 31, 2008

Snowmen in May?

Here it is the LAST day of May -- teasingly close to the first day of summer. It was a nice sunny 70 degree day today.

However, at bed time . . . all that Nicholas could talk about was what we were going to do for Christmas. I kept telling him that Christmas wasn't for another 6 months!

But, that didn't matter. He just kept saying "No, Mama. I want it to be Christmas!"

Ahhh, yes. It starts early doesn't it.

Notice that HE chose to wear his red snowmen jammies tonight.


Melanie said...

Silly guy! You're not alone though - Evan decided he wanted to watch Disney's Christmas Sing-along songs the other day...

Julie said...

Oh no, not Christmas yet! I'm not nearly ready. Good thing we have about six more months. I'd like a little warm weather for a while.

Brenda said...

Too darn cute!