Trims, Trikes & Tummies
The TRIM . . .
After sweeping his hair off of his face (for what seemed the millionth time), I decided that TODAY (Thursday) we were going to get his hair cut. It's definitely NOT his favorite thing to do . . . the loud screaming and sobbing were a good indication. While our hair cutter was sort of patient, I don't think she really wanted to cut his hair -- she said almost nothing while I tried to calm Nicholas on my lap. The BAD news . . . she basically MOWED his hair. The GOOD news . . . it's out of his eyes, it's short enough that he won't another haircut for a while, and it WILL grow out!The TRIKE . . .
After the haircut, it seemed like every part of "goodness" that was in Nicholas was cut away with his long hair. He was a complete challenge. He didn't listen, he broke almost every rule, he didn't take a nap, and he barely ate his dinner. After 6 hours of this, I was NOT going to stay in the house any longer. So, we went outside. AND . . . a miracle happened! My sweet little boy was back again (for a little bit). Not only that, but he decided to ride his tricycle and actually peddled it up and down the street. He seemed very excited about it too.The TUMMY . . .
It was 8:30am the next day. Nicholas woke up crying and calling "Mommy!" That is an extreme rarity. So, I ran into his room and found him throwing up all over his bed. Nicholas gets a runny nose now and then, but rarely ever gets this sick. I knew he was really feeling bad, when he curled up on the couch and pulled a blanket over him. We spent the morning on the couch. Every time he got up to curl up in my lap, I KNEW we were in for another round.
UPDATE . . . by late afternoon, he seemed to be all better and was asking for food. Of course, I knew better and limited what types of food I gave him. But, it seems he's conquered this tummy battle.
1 comment:
Aww, poor Nick! No wonder he was acting out the day before - I always feel guilty when I think Evan has been a devil, and then he gets sick. :(
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