Saturday, March 15, 2008

Movie Day



Nicholas saw his first movie in a theater -- "Horton Hears A Who." John said it was a pretty good movie and Nicholas did very well. He sat for most of the movie, stood for only a short time, and even rested his head on his cousin Jennifer's shoulder for comfort (apparently, he got a little scared at one point ). Nicholas even ate popcorn during the movie.

Now . . . Nicholas keeps asking us if he can go back to the movie theater to watch another movie and eat popcorn!

Meanwhile, back at the ranch (aka "home") . . .

I already had a full day planned for cleaning up the front porch (we had collected a lot of dead bugs, cobwebs, nests, etc.) and potting the plants I purchased the day before. I knew if I didn't finish it all today, the plants would have to wait until next weekend. So, I skipped the movie . . . but, doesn't the front doorway look great???


Melanie said...

Something for both of our recordbooks - first movie being Horton Hears a Who! Very cute!!
And yes, the porch looks fabulous!

Casey said...

We're hoping to take the kids next week to see the movie. I think I am more excited than they are. :)

And your porch looks great!!!