SPLAT! Facts
Halloween is over. It's kind of sad when all the "mischievous fun" is over ... hmmm, or is it? Let's review this year's Halloween fun facts:
FACT . . . Tues, 8:12PM . . . pumpkin carving commenced.
FACT . . . Wed, 6:24PM . . . the pumpkins were lit . . .
. . . . . . . Wed, 9:13PM . . . I blew out the candles.
FACT . . . Fri, 10:39AM . . . John confirmed he was taking
the pumpkins away on Saturday.
FACT . . . Sat, 7:51PM . . . I noticed that John forgot about
the pumpkins.
FACT . . . Sun, 12:14PM . . . TOO LATE!
The facts remain that whenever a holiday comes around that involves "ghosts & goblins" . . . or John . . . sometimes it's good
to make sure it's REALLY over! (LOL)
Hmmm, are pumpkins supposed to look like that? Kidding! As for me, I'm so happy Halloween is over. I've already begun my Christmas shopping! On to better things!!
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew!!!! Gross. :P
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