A trip to California ...
... but it was a business trip for John
Although it wasn't exactly a vacation--we were able to sneak in several opportunities for "fun" visiting with friends and family. That made the trip all the worthwhile.
Nicholas seemed to make the best of things, no matter what he did. He finally discovered the joy of running through the park, going up & down the slides (as long as there weren't too many kids around), and burying himself in the sand.
For the most part, he had no trouble falling asleep in the Pak 'n Play each night. However, the poor lil' guy was challenged with cutting two teeth on our 2nd day and getting a stomach bug, including fever, in the middle of our trip. Luckily, all of that passed quickly.
I wish I could include a soundtrack of Nicholas talking about his CA cousins. At random moments throughout the day, he'll just start talking about them and the things they did together on our trip. I can usually figure out what Nicholas is talking about, as his speech is becoming much more clear every day. But, his pronunciations of his cousins' names are priceless ... Tre-duh (Trevor), Tri-huh (Trista), and Joo-hoo (Julie).
Here's just a quick peak at the fun we had during the week with our family and friends.