This year we spent Christmas in CA. For all the planning and preparations, it never quite felt like we were ready for the holidays . . . HOWEVER . . . we sure did have a good time!!!
Our trip began the Thursday before Christmas. I had everything scheduled and timed down to our departure. At least, I thought so. As I finished my packing, I moved a pile of papers and found several bills that had gone overlooked. Sooooo, instead of getting some sleep . . . there I was sitting on the bedroom floor in the "wee" morning hours writing checks as fast as I could. Thinking I still had everything under control, I set the alarm for 8am and went to sleep.
When I awoke, it seemed QUITE bright in the room. EEKS! It was 9:15am and none of us were up yet. The alarm wasn't exactly in the "On" position. We had planned to leave for the airport by 10am.
I'm not sure exactly how we did it, but we were packed, dressed, and out the door (and even got Nick a quick breakfast) by 10:04am.
Once we got to CA, we settled in and started enjoying our vacation. We celebrated an early Christmas with John's brother, Bill, and his family before they flew up to WA for the holidays. (It seems a little backwards, but that's just how it worked out this year.) Nicholas enjoyed showing cousin Julie how to really "rip" into a present.
(I think she caught on pretty well.)

We tried to make the whole Christmas experience enjoyable for Nicholas, since we weren't at home and going back & forth from the hotel each day. On Christmas Eve, Grandma helped Nicholas make snowman cookies.
Believe it or not . . . this was his first cooking experience! I've tried to get him to help me in the kitchen (he LOVES pretend cooking with his toy BBQ and plastic food), but he has always put up a fuss. This time, he did pretty well . . . except for seeing how high snowman cookie dough could bounce if he threw it down on the tray. (LOL)
Also on Christmas Eve, I made a small paper Christmas tree for our hotel room. We told Nicholas that we left a note for Santa where we'd be staying, so he would know where to find us.

The next morning, Christmas Day, Nicholas found a "small" present under our small tree. He was so excited when he opened the bag and found a blue wooden top that he had asked Santa to bring him. We told Nicholas that Santa knew he was a good boy this year and maybe he had left a "bigger" present under Grandma & Grandpa's big tree. We'd look when we went over for breakfast later in the morning.
We had a very casual Christmas breakfast. Kari made her special cheesy eggs--possibly the first time I've seen her cook. Mom made blueberry muffins and bacon. Barry & Jenn brought 2 fruit platters, which the kids LOVED! And, I found some turkey sausage links that everyone seemed to like.

After breakfast, we all headed into the living room and enjoyed watching everyone open their gifts. I had so much fun watching that I forgot to take many pictures. But, here is some of the fun we all had--please notice that "Santa" went a little crazy this year in the Stocking Department!
We even got visited by the Victoria Secret's Elf (aka, Kari). And, Nicholas was very excited to find that Santa left him another "Blue" present . . . a digital camera. (I'll download Nick's photos and publish them in a later post.)

This is the first year I gave my husband a "Deere John" gift . . . oops, I mean a John Deere gift. But, that's OK. I gave Nicholas one too, so he could match Daddy.
I hope you all had a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
I know I did ** BIG grin! **